"To do" list

At Syzygy Research & Technology, we are deeply committed to our customers. Over the past few months, we have received a number of great suggestions for features to add to The Digital Universe. Suggestions such as these have already resulted in our updating the package from V1.00 to V1.02.

For registered owners of the software, minor updates will be made available in the support area of this Web site. As a registered owner, you will also be entitled to the next major update of the package for half of the regular price.

To get an idea of the kinds of improvements planned for The Digital Universe in the future, we thought that it might be a good idea to make our "To do" list available to anyone who's interested. If you can think of a feature that you would like to see which is not currently listed, feel free to contact us at support@syz.com. Similarly, if you think that any of the planned features below should receive priority, send us a note!

Of course, updates to the hypertext will always be continuing on an ongoing basis as new things are discovered. This section only outlines the proposed changes to the software itself.

"To Do"

In no particular order, here are some of the things which we would like to add to The Digital Universe. Some of the features will be considered minor updates (and hence available for free from this Web site), and some will be considered major updates (which will be available to registered owners for half price). Some may never be implemented at all, but you can't say that we never considered them! :-) If you've made a suggestion to us in the past which you don't see here, check with us in case it has gotten lost in the shuffle. In the meantime, keep the suggestions coming - it's the best way to ensure that The Digital Universe remains a powerful astronomical package for years to come!

Of course, this list (despite its size) is by no means exhaustive, and there are a lot of other great features that we have planned which are not covered here (actually, some of them are pretty exciting and we don't want our competition to steal our ideas before we've had a chance to implement them ourselves :-) Stay tuned for details!

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